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Webinar: Disrupting Leadership Failure: Proven Tactics to Scale Fair, Bias-Free Conversations Across Distributed Teams

Webinar: Disrupting Leadership Failure: Proven Tactics to Scale Fair, Bias-Free Conversations Across Distributed Teams
on November 15, 2021
Webinar: Disrupting Leadership Failure: Proven Tactics to Scale Fair, Bias-Free Conversations Across Distributed Teams

As leaders, we’re lied to everyday. Most of us are stuck in an endless reinforcing loop of:
Our staff tells us what we want to hear > We validate those same thoughts via activities such as 1-to-many meetings or intimate meetings with only direct reports, and periodically-conducted company surveys > We produce post-mortems meant to show we are in touch and working on solutions, but these are based on outdated, skewed, biased information.  Read more.


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