100% Audit Defense, No Extra Cost

Boast is growing fast, thanks to you!

We love helping you innovate and grow faster by helping recover R&D tax credits.
Because of you, Boast has achieved:

Over 1,000 customers
150% growth in 24 months
Over $350 million in tax credit refunds recovered for customers

Read more about how Boast clients are using R&D tax credits to innovate and grow faster Newsletter.

Success Story

Neo Offers the Future of Financial Services to Canadians Through Its Focus on R&D and Innovation

TRAC Challenges Traditional Venture Funding with Innovative ‘Moneyball’ Approach to Business Investment

Plantiga Accelerates Human Movement Innovation with SR&ED Tax Credits Partnership with Boast


your U.S. R&D tax credit eligibility


your Canadian SR&ED tax credit eligibility


your Canadian SR&ED funding eligibility


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