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SR&ED Unlocked: Breaking down borders to drive innovation

SR&ED Unlocked: Breaking down borders to drive innovation

Paul Davenport

In collaboration with Boast, VanHack’s new SR&ED Unlocked program offers a new way for CCPCs to drive world-wide innovation while tapping into the exclusive funding programs that set Canada apart. 

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SR&ED Unlocked: Breaking down borders to drive innovation

In collaboration with Boast, VanHack’s new SR&ED Unlocked program offers a new way for CCPCs…

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SR&ED 2024: ITCs claimed jumps to $4.4 billion while processing times creep up

SR&ED 2024 claims and ITC totals were both up this year, along with lags in…

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SR&ED Consultations 2024: More SR&ED for non-CCPCs?

As a second round of SR&ED consultations comes to a close, qualification criteria for innovation…

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SR&ED Project vs. Company Project: What does and doesn’t qualify

SR&ED projects aim to tackle “scientific or technical advancement” where all the work is in…

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Canada’s Budget 2024: The highs ($600 million to SR&ED) and lows (Capital Gains, open banking)

Canada’s Budget 2024 was met with what can diplomatically be described as a mixed bag…

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A businessman holding a coin with a tree that grows and a tree that grows on a pile of money. The idea of maximizing the profit from the business investment.

We’ll break down the key differences and similarities between SR&ED and IRAP and the info…

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Lauren Thibodeau WTT

Saascan provides mentoring, enablement and advisory services to Canadian SaaS startups at almost all stages…

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Pipette Dropping A Sample Into A Test Tube - Closeup

The Materials for SR&ED policy categorizes eligible expenses as either Materials Consumed or Materials Transformed…

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Reducing, removing or overcome financial barrier

SR&ED Allowable Expenditures and SR&ED Qualified Expenditures represent two very different components of your innovation…

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Graph growing up in Front Of Canada Flag.

Department of Finance is plowing ahead with consultations to improve the banner SR&ED tax credit…

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Low-interest & Interest-free Government Loans: Assistance or not?

The ruling finds that R&D funded through below-market-rate government loans are disqualified from additional SR&ED…

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Startup funding in Canada dips in Q3 while AI remains a bright spot

Q3 2023 was much slower for startup funding in Canada, with just $808 million in…

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