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What The Tech Episode 14: “Building Shared History” with Mike Roberts from Roll

What The Tech Episode 14: “Building Shared History” with Mike Roberts from Roll

Paul Davenport

"Games are as much about the people we play with as the games themselves,” Mike Roberts, Founder and CEO of Roll explains.

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What The Tech Episode 14: “Building Shared History” with Mike Roberts from Roll

"Games are as much about the people we play with as the games themselves,” Mike…

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What The Tech? Episode 12: “Make Data Accessible” with Josh Gray from Artemis

Artemis helps businesses operationalize data in marketing, sales, finance, engineering, revenue, and operations.

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Startupfest 2023: Founders & Innovators from the show in Montreal

Another week, another amazing conference for the Boast AI team and our Canadian friends and…

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