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What The Tech? Episode 4: “Bookkeeping for Offsets” with Natureblocks

What The Tech? Episode 4: “Bookkeeping for Offsets” with Natureblocks

Paul Davenport

Natureblocks Founder and CEO James Davidson first got the idea for his company a few years back when Canadian wildfires […]

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What The Tech? Episode 4: “Bookkeeping for Offsets” with Natureblocks

Natureblocks Founder and CEO James Davidson first got the idea for his company a few…

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Sourcetable & Boast: Capturing R&D tax credits to build a next-gen spreadsheet

With the help of R&D tax credits obtained by partnering with Boast, Sourcetable is making…

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TRAC Challenges Traditional Venture Funding with Innovative ‘Moneyball’ Approach to Business Investment

TRAC Challenges Traditional Venture Funding with Innovative ‘Moneyball’ Approach to Business Investment Venture firm accelerates…

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Neo Offers the Future of Financial Services to Canadians Through Its Focus on R&D and Innovation

About Neo Everyone loves a good underdog story. Neo Financial brings an innovative new approach…

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Nexus Robotics: An Example of SR&ED Tax Credits Reinvestment

Nexus Robotics: An Example of SR&ED Tax Credits Reinvestment Robots-as-a-service disrupt traditional approaches to crop…

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Plantiga Accelerates Human Movement Innovation with SR&ED Tax Credits Partnership with Boast

Plantiga Accelerates Human Movement Innovation with SR&ED Tax Credits Partnership with Boast Vancouver, Canada-based human…

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British Columbia Tech Companies’ Growth and Innovation Accelerated by Partnership between NVBC and Boast

New Ventures BC® (NVBC) has a winning formula to help companies succeed; participate in their…

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Plurilock Security Solutions Advancements Bolstered byContinuous Innovation with Assistance from Boast   Best-in-class cybersecurity company pushes…

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Plurilock Security Innovation Bolstered by SR&ED Tax Credits Partnership with Boast

Best-in-class company pushes innovation limits for its authentication solutions—built on advanced behavioral-biometric technologies— through aid…

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Lazaridis Institute and Boast Partner to Accelerate Canadian Scaleups

Access to capital, networks, and mentors are key factors enabling companies to grow faster and…

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Rival Technologies Disrupts the Massive Market Research Industry Using Innovation and Tax Credits Recouped in Partnership with Boast

Rival Technologies (Rival), a Vancouver Canada-based technology company, has taken a disruptive approach to a…

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